Employee Training and Development in HRM is defined as a system used by an organization to improve the skills and performance of the employees. ... An effective training & development initiative based on training needs analysis helps the company to enhance the skills of working manpower and improve productivity.
In the present scenario, Digital transformation, IOT plays a significant role especially in any type of Company therefore it has become necessary for every company to adopt new technology to sustain their business. Training of employees has become an important task of Management. We can support an Organization by giving effective training based on their needs.
Effective Learning leads to development. Organizational Development is also known as OD is the process by which the wellbeing and quality of an Organization’s productivity, behaviour, culture, and systems are remarkably improved. Organization Development is carried out by professional change agents. The success of OD depends upon the active involvement/cooperation of Employees, Management
Problem Identification – A problem can be identified in a wide range of ways including data gathering, reports from employees. Assessment - Assessing the problem is the second step. This can be done by reviewing the gathered documents, interviewing, surveying etc. is required to draw an effective plan
Action Plan: Making an effective plan of action how the problem will be solved is the next step. This should be done by incorporating all the inputs gathered which in turn provide solution that addresses the specific problem
Implement Plan: Put the plan in action which includes training and other steps needed to ensure the action plan is put in place correctly.
Gather Data: Once the plan is implemented and changes occurs it is necessary to gather data. We should do this with a focus on identifying whether the change made are having positive impact on the problem
Analyze Results: Analyse the gathered data to see whether any improvement had happened, problem is eliminated, made the problem worse or in addition whether changes had any secondary negative impact on other issues
Get Feedback: Collecting feedback is from all impacted is also important. If the problem is eliminated but created bad impact on other issue then it is not a good solution
Repeat: If necessary the process will be repeated. If change made positive impact, the process will begin with current system else go back to first step and repeat the procedure till improvement is achieved.
1. Importance of Training
2. Who Will Do the Training
3. How Employees Learn Best
4. Developing a Job Training Program
5. Retraining
6. Orientation
7. Overcoming Obstacles to Learning
1. Urgency of need
2. Training time
3. Costs
4. Employee turnover
5. Short-term worker
6. Diversity of worker
7. Kinds of jobs (simple-complex)
8. Not knowing exactly what you want your people to do and how
1. The magic apron method: people train themselves the easiest ways to get the job done, and what will keep them from getting into trouble.
2. The person that is leaving trains: teaches shortcuts and ways of breaking the rules.
3. Big sister, big brother, or buddy method: passes on bad habits and may resent a new person as a competitor.
4. The logical person to train new workers is YOURSELF!
1. There are three kinds of training: Job Instruction, Retraining, and Orientation.
2. The big sister, big brother, or buddy system is when an old hand shows a newcomer the ropes.
3. When good training is absent there is likely to be an atmosphere of tension, crisis, and conflict because nobody knows what to do.
1. Gives the supervisor more time to manage, standardized performance, less absenteeism, less turnover, reduced tension, consistency, lower costs, more customers, better service
2. Gives the workers confidence to do their jobs, reduces tension, boosts morale and job satisfaction, reduces injuries and accidents, gives them a chance to advance.
3. Gives the business a good image and more profit.
1. Needed when changes are made that affect the job, employee’s performance drops below par, or when the worker has not mastered a particular technique.
2. A positive one-on-one approach to retraining is referred to as coaching.
3. Coaching is a two-part process.
i) Observation of the employee’s performance.
ii) Conversation between manager and employee focusing on job performance.
1. Formal evaluation: uses observation, interviews, and surveys to monitor training while it’s going on.
2. Summative evaluation: measures results when training is complete in five ways:
i) Reaction
ii) Knowledge
iii) Behavior
iv) Attitudes
v) Productivity